A letter to my darling twins on their 1st Birthday!

Our most precious #twintrom #DhwaniAndDhruv is one today! What an incredible year it’s been! A year full of excitement, laughter, hurdles of Parenthood, trying to become perfect, failing at Parenthood, more trying and what not ! To our dearest Dhwani & Dhruv, Happy first birthday our lil world! Our bundle of happiness! Time flys! Where are you guys running so fast? It feels just like yesterday !!Our precious babies, you are loved! You guys certainly did light up our lives. After all, you guys arrived after 7 long years of endless wait. You two are so so special for us… Our entire life has changed. Every single decision in our life has changed and everything started to evolve around you. From our busy feeding sessions late nights, early mornings, mid afternoons, fun bath times, dreamy massage times, we have come across a long way! The way you two look at mommy and the way you guys make mommy feel special is truly amazing, a blessing indeed.

My little bundles of joy, as your mommy write this lying on the couch at your mommyland, Your Papa is busy wrapping up his work for the day. Trying hard to jiggle with internet at your maternal home, doing some meetings and calls before winding up work for the day. Do you know your mammamma along with kunjamma is busy preparing for the big day tomorrow!! They want to prepare a delicious food feast for you both as for them, we all missed celebrating Onam with them!! As you guys already know by now, it’s not just your birthday…It’s mommy’s birthday too. Mommy’s birthday kind of sunk in this Ist bday celebration of yours..but, honestly mommy is the happiest and just can’t wait for tomorrow evening…First time ever, mommy on a Sept 24 sitting without buying anything for myself, without planning anything ; But, everything planned to celebrate your day of arrival ☺️????

For your Ist birthday, mommy has so many plans on how to do something special to celebrate our most happiest day. A party has been arranged where our most beloved family members from maternal as well as paternal would come. More than any other solid gifts that you guys ‘d receive t at, mommy really want to pen down memories associated with this day and also, would want you guys to know how much of excitement and happiness you guys have given to the entire family and more than any gifts, mommy wanted something that you’d open your 18th birthday. For that matter, mommy is going to ask everyone to pendown the special memories and thoughts for you guys that you’d read years later. Exactly on yours 18th birthday. Really can’t wait for the day that you will open them and know how much love surrounded you at even such a young age.

It feels like yesterday your Papa and mommy anxiously awaited your arrival and now, a whole year has passed and soon you two will be walking and talking. It’s been the bestest year of all times watching you both grow up before our eyes.

We really dunno, whether we’d be able to show you our journey that we took to realize our dream of having you. The entire journey started with prayers, hopes and now has culminated in you — our most precious Gift ever! Our lovely babies – Dhwani and Dhruv. What a beautiful day it was, The biggest pleasure of holding, kissing, and loving you both. We were able to conceive you. Me and your father struggled 7 long years before we got blessed. We struggled with unexplained infertility and needed help bringing you into this world.

The entire pregnancy period, and waiting for you guys! Your mammamma, Papa and mommy– Our wait took forever. Every time your Papa and I went to the doctor, We were excited to hear your heartbeat. And each time, It really made us cry, at the same time excited to think about you both growing in Mommy’s belly. The most exciting moment of my pregnancy was when your Papa and I first felt your kick. We even have weekly video recordings and we clearly cherished every moment of it.

Mommy’s pregnancy time was crazy! So many ups and downs. Things were until last week of due date. Suddenly bp took a toll and I had to undergo a emergency Caesarian Section. I was so cautious that I had already instructed your Papa to be ready to hold babies and make sure he accompany the nurse while they give babies their first wash. Your father like always, was super busy with project and go-live and I think he too had same excitement which I had, maybe lil more tensed with job and family. He’s super lucky, He got to hold you both like magic. Mommy could touch you guys first and kiss you both first. Can’t forget that day! The day you guys were born, magically on your Mommy’s birthday ???? Every hope and prayer that we had for you had finally come true.

Now that our lives have been blessed to hold you closer to our heart in our lives, We would like to tell you about all of our hopes and dreams for you. Our hope for you is that you guys always always follow your dreams no matter what and never waiver from what you want out of life. Enjoy your childhood, grow up happy, healthy, and secure. We know that the world around us is so strange. You guys get compared every now and then. Believe mommy, This’d get worser as you grow older. Mommy clearly knows that one wants to grow up being compared. And its quite upsetting when comparisons come from people who influence our lives a lot. Amma assure you that, nothing of that sort would affect us. You guys have unique personalities, unique dreams, distinct voice, your own individual choices etc. You guys’d there for each other everytime and do understand that you two are always loved, cared and looked upon.

Mommy really dunno when you’d read this write-up. Really excited about our wonderful journey together!

Happy Birthday to us ????

Lots of love and hugs to you


– Mommy ????????????????