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Natural Shesha Ayurveda

Ayurveda- A brief introduction and guide

Ayurveda is obtained from two Sanskrit words, Ayur and Veda. ‘Ayur’ means ‘life’ and ‘Veda’ means ‘science’ forming “science of life”. Ayurveda is the ancient healing science as confirmed by many scholars.

The balance between mind, body and soul is extremely important for maintaining wellness in Ayurveda. Imbalance in these factors can prompt illness. Ayurveda is a 5000 years old method of healing and wellness. These days it is considered by numerous people around the world.

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Principles of Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, everyone is a part of our nature and is made up of 5 elements. The five elements are: space(ether), air, water, fire and earth. Each element has different sets of qualities:-

  • Space is clear, light and subtle
  • Air is cold, rough and dry
  • Water is cool, heavy and liquid
  • Fire is hot, light and sharp
  • Earth is cool, dense and static

These elements combine to form three energies- Vata, Pitta, Kapha. We all have the exceptional extent of these 3 energies.

Constitution and inner balance

As each of us has a unique fingerprint and it remains the same throughout our life. Same as everyone has a unique combination of energies that remains the same throughout our life is called the constitution. An individual is a combination of mental, physical and spiritual qualities that comprise their own constitution.

In Ayurveda, health maintenance and prevention can be achieved through balance in life, diet and use of herbs. Ayurveda teaches us how to maintain these balances in life and to treat the imbalance as well. Many factors are responsible for disturbance of inner balance and Constitution such as toxins.

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Introduction to Doshas

Doshas are the metabolic types that make up a person’s unique constitution. There are three different kinds of Doshas- Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which are built up of 5 elements. Everyone has a unique dosha and a unique combination of inner balance.

Doshas are vital forces behind our emotional, mental and physical balance. When these doshas become imbalanced we suffer from disease.

Only Ayurvedic practitioners can exactly determine your Doshas and can help to balance them. You can also look for qualities of every dosha to examine yours. Everyone has a unique doshic Constitution and needs different treatment as well.


Vata is a combination of air and space and it is the energy of movement and wind. The attributes of Vata are clear, light, subtle, cold, rough and dry. Any imbalance in these creates disease. Vata people are thin, creative and active. They are changeable and always on the go. They become tired easily and require more sleep. Vata people are imaginative, ideal and angular. They are quick thinking and action takers. Vatas have cold hands and feet.

Vata imbalance results in anxiety, depression, fear, nervousness and confusion. They also suffer from constipation, poor circulation and sometimes even insomnia.

Dryness and dry skin is a common sign of Vata imbalance.


Pitta is a combination of water and fire and is the energy of transformation. It is the energy of change. Pitta qualities are cool, heavy, liquid, hot, light and sharp. Pitta is necessary for digestion, nutrition, metabolism, and temperature control. Pitta individuals have a warm body, intelligence. They like plenty of food, liquids and a lot of spices. They have average sleep and medium height.

The imbalance in Pitta will cause anger and jealousy. They also deal with acne, sore throat, indigestion and skin irritation.


Kapha is a combination of earth and space and is an energy of lubrication. Kapha people have cool, dense, static, clear, light and subtle qualities. Kapha people are strong, energetic and endurance. They are very loving, kind and stable. They have well-developed muscles and thick skin. Kapha people are calm, forgiving and have oily skin. They have a decent memory too.

Imbalances in Kapha are greed, envy and depression. They also suffer from weight gain, cough, sinus infection and headache. They normally tend to water connected diseases such as flu, mucus.

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How to balance Doshas? 

Doshas imbalance is the result of an unhealthy lifestyle and poor diet. To balance these doshas you should adapt to the Ayurvedic lifestyle. The Ayurvedic lifestyle improves your health and mind by a set of guidelines. Depending on the energies in your body and symptoms of having imbalance, you can adapt the guidelines. For balancing these Doshas you have to follow up on these plans:-

Guidelines for balancing Vata

  • Eat cooked vegetables, grains and warm foods.
  • Avoid cold and raw foods.
  • Take proper sleep daily
  • Keep yourself calm and warm

Guidelines for balancing Pitta

  • Eat sweet and bitter vegetables
  • Avoid warm weather and food
  • Eat cold and non-spicy vegetables
  • Avoid excessive oil and steam

Guidelines for balancing Kapha

  • Do exercise and be active
  • Avoid cold foods and drinks
  • Eat light food and avoid heavy food
  • Avoid dairy foods too
  • Avoid daytime naps

Role of Ayurvedic products

Ayurveda can access all aspects of life including diet, skincare, hair care and massage. To balance Doshas these unique and different ways can also help you to get inner peace. Using skincare products that are formulated with natural herbs can help you to find wellness. Shesha Ayurveda has a wide variety of skin, body and hair care products which can help to calm your mind and spirit.  

Vata Dosha has dry skin. Pitta Dosha has acne-prone skin. Kapha Dosha has visible pores and smooth skin. After knowing your type of Dosha you can select your product. Ayurvedic hair care products have a unique combination of Botanicals that can help to awaken your soul and mind.

Image reference- freepik


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