Hand Sanitizers Himalaya

Hand Sanitizers | Are they important ?

Washing hands with a soap and water is the best way to reduce the number of microbes on your hands. While proper hand wash is a vital part to keep yourself healthy – soap and water aren’t always around when you need them. Especially on situations like while travelling, trying out makeup/skincare over the makeup counters, clean up your hands quickly after a small snack meal etc. Like everyone else, I also carry a hand sanitizer in my handbag or pocket most of the time and use it for spot cleaning.

Keeping your hands clean is one of the most important steps to avoid falling sick and spreading germs to others. Are you looking for convenient pump bottles of hand sanitizers for your desk, home or kitchen counter? Top-cap bottles of hand sanitizers are great options for those on-the-go hand sanitizing needs. Whenever you need germ protection, you can squirt the hand sanitizer on your palm. It needs no rinsing off and is known to leave your hand germ free. I have the habit  of touching my face every now and then. So, keeping my hands clean is very important for me. Let’s talk about my go-to brand when it comes to hand sanitizers.


50 ml – INR 55 ; 100 ml – INR 80 ; 250 ml – INR 175

How  I use it to clean my hands – I squeeze a coin-sized drop of the sanitizer gel on my palms. Rub it well over the palms, back of hands, fingernails and grooves briskly, until dry. No water is required after use.

PureHands is absolutely safe for regular use. It contains moisturizers that prevent skin irritation and dryness. The product has been clinically tested, and its safety and efficacy is proven. It’s available in 50ml, 100ml & 250ml variants. I use the 250ml for my desk and every other surface spot cleaning.

The consistency of Himalaya PureHands is a gel type that is non-sticky, fast absorbing, You only need a coin size bit each time to spread on both hands. You get clean hands!

PureHands contains extracts of herbs like Coriander, which have potent antimicrobial properties and Lime, which is a natural bactericidal. In addition, the active ingredients of Neem, which are antibacterial, fungicidal and antiviral, safely keep viruses, bacteria and fungi at bay.

Key ingredients:
Hrivera is a strongly aromatic herb, which has antibacterial, deodorizing and cooling properties. It also softens hands.

Coriander is derived from the oil of a herb called Oil Coriandrol. The fruits of the herb possess antimicrobial and astringent properties.

Lime is a rich source of vitamin C. It protects the skin from oxidative damage and helps prevent itching. The oil of lemon warms the skin when applied externally. The juice also has bactericidal and astringent properties.

Ushira is an astringent and antibacterial herb. When applied externally, it removes excess heat from the body and provides a cooling effect.

Neem extracts possess antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. The tree stem, root and bark have astringent, tonic and antiperiodic properties. Neem is used to treat skin diseases.

While saying this – let’s not forget that Hand sanitizers were developed for use after washing hands or for those times when soap and water are not available. Using hand sanitizers does not replace hand washing. If hands have visible dirt, these sanitizers don’t remove it very well and one must wash using disinfectant soap and water.

Here are some of the times I like to use the hand sanitizers.

Spot clean my makeup brushes 

I like to spot clean my makeup brush handles, brush heads etc using hand sanitizer. Especially the brushes that I use daily. I make sure, I don’t use them immediately after I spot clean. I give it some time so that the gel evaporates and my brushes remain clean.

clean the eye shadow palettes 

After I film a makeup tutorial or after I use my eye shadows for my daily looks etc. The palette tends to get dusty or shades etc settling onto the pan areas etc. I clean it using a wipe with a coin size of hand sanitizer gel. This method of cleaning ensures that my palette remains clean after each use.

clean dust off my glasses

Cleaning my reading glasses and sunglasses is a big mess. I use hand sanitizer to clean them and they are always ready to go!

clean my mobile cover, mobile top, laptop keypad and other gadgets

I spend a lot of time using my gadgets. So, I always want to ensure it remains clean all the time. Especially the mobile that always touches my ears or which is always in my hand. I clean the surface and cover using a little amount of hand sanitizer on a clean wipe. Same method for laptop keypad, ipod charger wire etc.

 clean the tv remote, places such as doorknobs, my office desk, camera and any object that I touch frequently. 

Again, next messiest thing that I always touch is tv remote. Places such as doorknobs – trust me! This needs everyday cleaning! My office desk, Switch boards, my camera too.

Along with these these are some of the other situations that requires hand cleansing uisng a hand sanitizer. 

 Routine hand cleansing after I use public transport, elevators, escalators etc.

Before touching or eating food.

Before touching a baby or infant.

After using the washroom

After visiting a hospital

After doing household work like handling garbage etc


Himalaya’s PureHand sanitizers are made using a non-sticky formula. The pocket size easily slips into your handbag to ensure that you stay germ-free all day long. They come with fragrances inspired by fruity flavours, skin moisturising ingredients etc. Your hands are left refreshed and hygienically cleansed immediately after use..Non messy application.

Do you use a hand sanitizer ? Have you tried Himalaya PureHands ?

** Products sent by brand PR. However, my reviews is honest and unbiased as always


Entrepreneur, Makeup geek, Shopaholic, Dreamer, Love product photography. Passionate about makeup and living naturally. Welcome to my little world of secrets!


  1. I loved your little tips on other uses for hand sanatizer . I have never thought about using hand sanatizer to clean my glasses , I’m so giving this ago !

    1. renjianooj says:

      yay!!! i m glad I was able to help u

  2. Such an interesting read! Great post ☺️

    1. renjianooj says:

      Thank You Grace!

  3. So many uses I never would have thought to use hand sanitizer for. I do love my hand sanitizer though ????

  4. I saw these on your IG for the first time. Really want to try these when I come to India.

    Ash | http://www.mstantrum.com

  5. Such great post, Sanitizers have so many great uses apart from keeping us from getting sick. I need to incorporate more of the uses you mentioned above into my daily routine. The ingredients of these are so good, I used to drink Neem water for acne, some best ingredients in these hand sanitizers.

  6. Wow never thought to use a hand sanitizer for so many different things. Will have to try them out.
    Michelle xx | http://www.thisismybliss.com.au
    IG: @shellie_belle_

  7. Thank you for this!!! I had no idea. Def worth a try!

  8. I keep these in my purse always, always and always! Super handy and hygienic!

    Ankita | Beautistaa.com | Fashion & Beauty

  9. Wow… this is such an informative post.. I have never thought of cleaning my makeup brushes or palettes with sanitizers.. Thanks for sharing Renji 🙂

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