Kama Ayurveda

Kama Ayurveda KUMKUMADI Miraculous Beauty Fluid

A healthy and glowing complexion requires a lot of care and pampering. So what could be better than using a product that contains more than 15 ingredients with functions ranging from skin softening to lightening! Yes – such a product does in fact exist, and it is called kumkumadi tailam. It’s an Ayurvedic oil used for face massage. It helps improve skin texture, complexion and also relieves skin problems such as acne, scars etc. Kumkuma means saffron, which is the main ingredient of this medicine. Today I am reviewing Kama Ayurveda Kumkumadi Fluid.
Packaging & Price
Net wt – 12 ml ; Price : 1350 INR ; Comes in a glass bottle with a dropper. dropper makes it easy to dispense the fluid. Buy it from here




How to use
Apply a few drops to damp skin. Cover forehead, cheeks and under eyes. Using fingertips, gently massage the oil into skin. For best results, allow to work overnight. It is a night fluid and should not be used during the day.

More pictures of the product





My experience using Kama Ayurveda Kumkumadi Fluid
I have used Kottakkal Kumkumadi oil in the past. Its exactly like kama ayurveda fluid and It does wonders for my skin. I loved it a lot. But- its not very easy to find it where I live. I would say Kama Kumkumadi is an expensive version of Kottakkal Kumkumadi oil.

Texture of Kama Ayurveda Kumkumadi Fluid is quite thick. Yet, its easily  absorbed. It’s a bit sticky though. This oil is 100 % natural -Free from artificial preservatives, colorants, fragrance, petrochemicals that makes it a great product. Some people might not like the smell.  I like the smell of it. I usually apply it around 6:00 pm and wash it off before sleep (around 10: pm). I never sleep with the oil on. I feel its quite thick and it badly stains pillow covers.2015325175228

People with oily skin type should use it in small quantities, for not more than once  a day.Ayurvedic ingredients might not suit everyone.  I have a super sensitive skin and this product gave me rashes around my eye area and I was really angry about this product. Raved a lot by many beauty bloggers and they even suggest that this can be used  for sensitive skin as well.

It is always safe and a better idea to test this oil over a small skin area before starting using it. If you develop any rash / burning / itching sensation, avoid using it.

I tried several methods like using it on dampen skin. spraying rose water after application etc. But, neither of them worked for me. Finally, a friend of mine suggested me to mix it with few drops of almond oil and apply it underneath my eye area. Now, this method worked. I used Oil craft Naturals Almond Oil.

A drop of Almond oil and a drop of kumkumadi oil helped a lot. Darkness underneath my eyes appeared a lot lighter and till date I am using it in combination with almond oil. So, if you are someone like me who got rashes after using this. You can try this method of using almond oil+kumkumadi fluid.

But I am really happy about the way it works. It really works on acne scars, dark circles etc. I had ingrown hair leftover marks on my legs. I used 2-3 drops of this while using my regular body butter and this helped lighten the spots. I love this product. Definitely will repurchase too. Some might feel price is a bit too expensive – I remember buying Kottakkal Kumkumadi fluid for 300 bucks. But- with a luxurious packaging and easy to use dropper and 12 ml of product is the answer. I will review Kottakkal Kumkumadi oil soon.

Now, another million dollar question is how to use, how any times to use, when to use ??

  • Take just 1-2 drops of the oil into your hands, (mix it with a drop of almond oil – avoid this if you are not allergic when using it alone)
  • Apply a light coat of it evenly onto the face or to the acne area or underneath the eyes.
  • Do a gentle massage with your fingers.
  • Leave it for 10 – 20 minutes.
  • Wash off with hot water.
  • You may also use it on your lips if you have pigmented lips

Note: Make sure product doesn’t go into your eyes. The pain is awful if it does.

-Lighten the pigmentation marks, brighten the dark circles etc
-100 % natural

-Some people might find ayurvedic fragrance a little strong
-bottle is not travel friendly
-not every city has a store. One has to purchase this online
-doesn’t suit sensitive skin – (do a patch test before application)

Overall, a great product that helps lighten spots, pigmentation marks and darkness underneath the eyes. People with extremely sensitive skin use it with caution. It is always safe and a better idea to test this oil over a small skin area before starting using it. If you develop any rash / burning / itching sensation, avoid using it.


Entrepreneur, Makeup geek, Shopaholic, Dreamer, Love product photography. Passionate about makeup and living naturally. Welcome to my little world of secrets!

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  1. Aletheia says:

    i used Kama Kumkumadi oil until I discovered Kama only does a pretty packaging for products already produced in India for 1 fifth of the price. So now I buy all my Ayurvedic products from Indian retailers directly, they deliver them everywhere.

    1. renjianooj says:

      Hi Aletheia…Thanks for visiting our blog….Kama Ayurveda is an awesome brand, You should also checkout Forest Essentials for luxurious Ayurvedic products

    2. Mansi Karan says:

      Can you tell me the site where you buy it from?

      1. renjianooj says:

        Online from their website or via amazon india site or through their shops nationwide. You can see the available shops on their website

  2. Priyanka says:

    lovely blog!
    Please suggest if should buy kama ayurveda kumkumadi oil or kottakal arya vaidya kumkumadi oil?
    Please help!

    1. renjianooj says:

      Hi Priyanka….if you are first time user; I would suggest Kottakal. It gives almost same result. Kama Ayurveda is on the expensive side.

  3. Priyanka says:

    Thank you soo much for your help, yes I am a first time user, Would go for the kottakal one 🙂
    Thanks again , love reading your posts ! <3

  4. Darshit Koladiya says:

    For everyone asking whether they should go for kottakkal kumkumadi tailam….. YES!
    Kama is charging for their brand name, infact their kumkumadi oil is manufactured and packed by Arya vaidya pharmacy (AVP), it’s mentioned on their packaging itself. Kama merely markets it in pretty packaging. You can try AVP’s kumkumadi oil too, it’s just Rs. 230 for 5 ml. Both are available on amazon. Kama is blatantly ripping us off.

    1. renjianooj says:


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