30 Day Eye Makeup Challenge

30 Day Eye Makeup Challenge..National Flag Inspired

Hi dearies

This post was supposed to be posted day before yesterday, However, I was super tired and couldn’t post, Also A big mistake happened…While transferring the snaps frm my camera to Lappie, instead of copy pasting I accidentally shift deleted the snaps 🙁 🙁 :sob :sob
I have only one pic of the look I created which i posted as a teaser before deleting 🙁
30 Day Eye Makeup Challenge ,
Day 8: I <3 India

I used Jumbo pencil in green and sparkle nude as base and the pretty shades from BH cosmetics palette 🙂 I mixed the shade with inglot duraline and drew like an eyeliner on my eye lid..On top of that I applied the colors (powder shades) unti li was happy with the intensity…Used a qtip to remove harsh edges …I didn’t do any blending…Basically, its an incomplete look 🙁 Sorry again :/
I also did a NOTD which is an Independence day special one 🙂

Click here to go to the post 


Entrepreneur, Makeup geek, Shopaholic, Dreamer, Love product photography. Passionate about makeup and living naturally. Welcome to my little world of secrets!

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  1. its beautiful Renji , I love the orange on yours, so firey …….and green cools it down !
    xoxo <3

  2. Awesome <3 Gorgeous work sweets 🙂

  3. Sumy says:

    Nice one…

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